Super Athletes & Chiropractic

The Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Players from both teams, the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots received chiropractic care to help them heal quickly and optimize the function of their spine and nervous system. This care helps athletes perform at their highest level throughout the season as well as in the biggest game of their lives. Players from all four championship teams and nearly every professional sports team are utilizing chiropractic care to get the competitive edge.


With extreme sports on the rise such as Cross-Fit competitions, Triathalons and Tough Mudders, more and more athletes are learning from the NFL’s best to be able to compete and stay healthy for life.


Current Hall of Famers Emmitt Smith and Jerry Rice, the greatest players ever at their positions, are also huge chiropractic advocates. Emmitt Smith is the leading rusher in NFL history. A perennial Pro Bowler and three time Super Bowl Champion when he retired with over 18,000 yards, Smith said, “I thank God, my family and my chiropractor.” Chiropractic care not only helped him heal quickly from injuries but he also used chiropractic care as a part of his lifestyle and training regime to keep him at the top of his game.


Jerry Rice is considered the greatest receiver in the history of the NFL. His durability and work ethic is legendary. He initially sought chiropractic care because of a crisis after being injured on the field. After learning about Chiropractic Lifestyle Care from his teammates he made chiropractic a regular part of his training routine and lifestyle. He is a three time Super Bowl Champion and an official spokesperson for the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.


Another chiropractic advocate, 2012 Hall of Fame Semi-finalist Roger Craig, was a pioneer in the NFL He is the only player to ever make the Pro Bowl as a fullback and a halfback, the first player to rush and receive for over 1,000 yards in a single season. He is a three time Super Bowl Champion and is the only NFL player to make the playoffs for eleven straight years.


Like many children, Roger began receiving chiropractic care at an early age and today, like the others, still receives chiropractic Lifestyle Care. In fact, Roger endorsed the #1 bestselling fitness book, The 100 Year Lifestyle Workout, which he recommends for every athlete young and old because it stresses the importance of a healthy structure, spine and nervous system with chiropractic care as a core part of the training.


All three of these athletes took a tremendous beating over their careers which began in little league and continued into the pros. Chiropractic care as a part of their lifestyle, training and overcoming injuries has helped show the world that you can play high level sports and retain your health after you retire. You may even compete on Dancing With The Stars!


We’ve all seen videos of old time professional athletes who pounded their bodies into submission and became cripples when their career was over. This is not true for these three athletic superstars and it is no longer the norm as many professional, Olympic and youth sports programs have chosen to make chiropractic care a core part of their programs and many of the leaders of the Olympic sports medicine team today are chiropractors.


Don’t wait for a crisis to force you to act. If you’re an athlete or participate in an exercise program, take care of your spine and nervous system like these Hall of Fame and Super Bowl Champions.


Schedule your appointment today!


Copyright 2015 The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.


This article is provided by Gard Wellness Center your 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliate Chiropractor in Cary NC

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